So what would you tell yourself, knowing what you know now, when you were a teenager? The list is endless!
1. Don't wear your emotions on your sleeve.
This is an incredibly important one for myself; I was always very open with my feelings, if something had upset me I wouldn't keep it in, even if it was something so small and trivial. As I grew up, around the age of 17, I finally learnt to keep things a little more locked in, I'd only open up to the people who I knew I could trust and would offer me genuine advice and support.
2. Not everyone is going to like you.
Not everyone you meet is going to instantly like you and you'll be best friends forever. Since high school I've actually got through A LOT of 'best friends'. Some of them I thought I would be friends with forever; life gets in the way and people change. Appreciate the people around you who you know will be there for you always.
3. Do not fall for the fairy tale romance.
Yes, this one may come across as quite bitter, but one of the biggest things I would tell my 16 year old self is to not allow yourself to fall for the idea that your first love is the be all and end all. Most people at a young age will experience heartbreak so don't feel like your alone.
So that's the incredibly deep and life affirming advice I would give to myself, and of course I also some superficial advice, like Don't cut your hair that short, you will always regret it, don't over pluck your eyebrows, and to appreciate a quick metabolism whilst you have it!
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